11 Jan
11 Jan
7:12 a.m.
finally i got shared namespace up and running. But for example if user peter.griffin shares his inbox to another user, the LIST "" "*" output on telnet looks like:
a02 LIST "" "*"
- LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Trash"
- LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
- LIST (\Noselect) "/" "shared/peter.griffi"
- LIST (\HasChildren) "/" "shared/peter.griffin"
- LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "shared/peter.griffinINBOX" a02 OK List completed.
To share the inbox I previously run as logged in user peter.griffin
a02 SETACL inbox peter.griffin lwxrk
If I look in thunderbird, i can see under "share" two folders: peter.griffi and peter.griffin. Have i made something wrong, or is this a bug?
Hope someone can help me.
thanks, patrick
-- Name : Patrick Kaiser Email : patrick.kaiser@argonius.de Phone : +49 (178) 8452388 Website : http://www.argonius.de GPG Key : http://www.argonius.de/key.pub