On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 09:46, Timothy White wrote:
The situation I want it in, is basically lots of distribution lists, but I need to be able to control who has access to 'post' to it... And I need to simplify the posting to the list. Some of the lists would be very much mailing list style, with all users being able to 'post'. Others, would be a select group who can post.
Why not run them through mailman as a list manager? Then if you want to deliver to a shared folder you can subscribe it's address but you won't be limited to only people on the same server.
As for the (un)subscribe, seeing as it's to shared folders, they can subscribe to the shared folder. Although, some lists are compulsory to be subscribed to (still haven't worked out the best way to do that). Moderation isn't need, ether you can post, or you can't. Ability to reply. If you can 'post' to the list, then you can reply to the list, otherwise, you have to reply to the individual involved. Archives, well the maildir becomes archives in it's self.
People aren't used to 'replying' by moving a message into an imap folder. I think you'd have a big problem with training.
-- Les Mikesell lesmikesell@gmail.com