
after some time learning some parts of the code of dovecot/pigeohole, I made a Proof of Concept that it is possible to execute imapsieve scripts when moving messages to virtual mailboxes, made it a pull request  on the pigeonhole github project:


I would like that somebody take a look at this changes and make them in a propper way into the main code of pigeonhole and dovecot.

Em seg., 15 de nov. de 2021 às 11:55, Claudemir Todo Bom <claudemir@todobom.com> escreveu:
Hi folks, and @stephanbosch

trying to debug the code, even knowing nothing about it, I discovered that @stephanbosch (cc him on this message) fixed the panic error I described in my original message on commit #27ab897f in the pigeonhole project.

In this change he only avoided running into the bug if UID of the message could not be determined, which is the case when the target mailbox of a copy or move operation is a virtualbox with a fallback real mailbox. This way the imapsieve is unusable when moving to a virtual mailbox, since what I'm trying to do is a virtualbox for Junk and some others, all with real mailboxes fallbacks and trying to activate the spamassassin learning on this movement, I need to detect when a message is being moved from a junk folder to any other folder and vice-versa.

Can anybody help me on making imapsieve to work when dropping messages into virtual mailbox that have a real mailbox fallback?

Best regards,