17 Jan
17 Jan
1:05 a.m.
On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 21:48 +0100, Tristan Woudenberg - Prism Mail Solutions wrote:
du -sh cur new 4.1M cur
From the ls -l output that you sent me:
cat ls|awk '{print $5"+"}'|tr -d '\n'|sed 's/+$/\n/'|bc 3488542
So your filesystem has lost 0,7MB somehow. Are there any hidden files (ls -la)? If not, then I can think of two things:
There's a large file (or more) that have already been deleted, but some process (stuck maybe?) still keeps them open. But if you've rebooted since, this can't be the case.
Your filesystem has messed up something.