- Charles Marcus <dovecot@dovecot.org>:
On 2011-03-11 5:31 PM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
Any client that connects to such a server can search for a folder that has been attributed as "Sent".
No need to create a new folder "Sent Items" if there's a special folder marked as \Sent. Same goes for clients that insist on calling it "sent" or "Gesendete Objekte" or ...
Are there any clients that would actually work this way if it was implemented?? Outlook being the main culprit here I assume... ;)
I don't know of any yet. The RFC is brandnew. But I plan to ask at relevant mailing lists for adoption of the new feature. AFAIK iPhone and gmail actually had done something simliar (XLIST) for their clients and servers.
As for Outlook I am left to speculation. I believe Outlook will be the last, if at all, to work on any IMAP client feature richness. It would cannibalise their own market i.e. using Outlook as Exchange client.
But Thunderbird, Apple Mail, smartphone IMAP clients and of course webmail clients will hopefully adopt the standard. It should be in their interest to implement a feature that mobilizes or eases mobilization in a world full of mobile users.
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