I'm just writing to see if anyone else is seeing the following issues, and particularly if they are running OS X (especially 10.4), and/or have compatible solutions (I've been reading the mailing list quite a bit, and every now and then, I find a solution that just "doesn't work" because of the differences in OS:
Too many files open - no plimit command on OS X, so I can't figure out how to increase the max number of open files... Also, are there any alternative means of CLOSING the files? stopping/restarting dovecot didn't seem to help;
I was running 1.0beta1 last week, and am now on 1.0beta3, but I'm still not seeing corrupt indexes/other dovecot files rebuilding themselves. I really can't stick with this solution if I'll always have to worry about manually fixing broken caches/indexes.
Any advice on fcntl/flock on OS X, particularly? They both appear to work, but I'd prefer to use the fastest/least resource intensive options for everything if possible.