On 2021-06-16 5:23 a.m., Kevin N. wrote:
I am using 'doveadm pw' from inside a bash script to generate the salted hash for a user provided password. I call it like: doveadm pw -s SHA256-CRYPT -u $user -p $password
Is there any possible way to use piping (so it won't show up in ps for example) to pass the username and password to 'doveadm pw' instead of using arguments?
% man doveadm-pw
-p password The plain text password for which the hash should be generated. If no password was given doveadm(1) will prompt interac‐ tively for one. -u user When the DIGEST-MD5 scheme is used, also the user name must be given... (so -u not needed here)
% doveadm pw -s SHA256-CRYPT Enter new password: ****** Retype new password: ****** {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$yatls3zWaSMgSrue$FOlWYSb.......
% cat /tmp/test test123 test123
% cat /tmp/test | doveadm pw -s SHA256-CRYPT {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$rq.EciaKLycIT61g$smeKtkpQ........