I can't say it's best practice, it depends on your setting.
I'm allowing IMAP login from both user1@acme1.com and user1@acme2.com,
to some extent it's user1@acme1.com & user2@acme2.com to the same
maildir location, and I'm taking the 2) approach.
- The same maildir path specified in MySQL record
- Joseph
On 3-Jul-09, at 10:47 AM, Luigi Rosa wrote:
Given a Linux mail server with Postfix+Dovecot using MySQL as
userbase, a single Linux user for file system access, two mail domains configured
(acme1.com acme2.com) and a maildir structure as follows\var\spool\mail\acme1.com- \user1 \user2 \user3 \var\spool\mail\acme2.com- \user1 \user2 \user3
I want that the mail of user1@acme1.com and user1@acme2.com goes in \var\spool\mail\acme1.com\user1
Note that there could be some users not equal between two domains.
What is the best practice?
Alias at Postfix level
The same maildir path specified in MySQL record
ln -s between \var\spool\mail\acme1.com\user1 and \var\spool\mail \acme2.com\user1
Else? (Dovecot virtual mailbox)
Thank you.
Ciao, luigi
/ +--[Luigi Rosa]-- \
Blessed are they who Go Around in Circles, for they Shall be Known as Wheels.
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