On 19.1.2010, at 1.21, Peer Heinlein wrote:
I started with an empty file "shared-mailboxes". But after the sync the file "shared-mailboxes" has been crashed. I found broken lines and I'm missing some entrys.
Is it possible that there's no filelocking on that file?
The file is always created by creating a temporary file, locking the file by link()ing it to a dotlock file, reading existing data, applying changes, and writing the data to it and then rename()ing it over the original file. There isn't really any way to corrupt data inside the file, because the whole file is always recreated.
hared/shared-boxes/user/user6.example.com/user4.example.c2442203233424^? 1 ser/user7.example.com/user2.example.com
If it's a Dovecot bug, it's more likely a memory corruption problem. I don't see any obvious reasons though. Can you easily reproduce this? Running via valgrind could be interesting then.