On 01/04/2010 10:00 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
So, what's the best FOSS IMAP enabled web mail front end with a modern look/feel? I'd like to run it on lighttpd, which I'm already using, not apache.
I'm using RoundCube 0.3.x (from the RoundCube website) + mysql + apache2 on Debian Lenny, and I'm very pleased with it so far.
In the RC configuration I have set the "preview pane" on by default, I don't understand why it was off by default (The comment in the config file even mentions that "preview pane" on is better), so I recommend doing that too.
And I suggest that you install/enable at least the "address book compose" plugin, and the "squirrelmail copy prefs" plugins.
I found out that the "squirrelmail copy prefs" RC plugin even converts the address-books from Squirrelmail :) !! But note : this plugin apparently works only at the first RC login of an user, so make sure the "squirrelmail copy prefs" plugin is installed and configured correctly before you log in as your user.
Make sure you read enough about how to install and configure RC, and secure at least the directories "temp" and "logs", and make sure that the RC .htaccess files work with your lighttpd installation.
If you try Roundcube for a while you might find out nice features, like the "del" key works for deleting an email, drag and drop is possible, and there's "email auto completion" within the email compose window, and you can add email-addresses in emails to the address-book with just one mouse click.
Drawbacks I've found in RoundCube so far : I couldn't find out how to toggle individual emails in the mailbox window, and the search options seem rather limited compared to Squirrelmail, and RoundCube only has one official skin/theme included.
(And for the record : imho Squirrelmail is a very decent webmail, too bad that the very nice themes for it are closed source and commercially priced, and I really dislike installing/configuring and using Horde)
Regards, Adrian