On 01/02/2013 12:09 AM, DormitionSkete@hotmail.com wrote:
[...] I ran it without making any changes. This is the output.
systemuser@openindiana:~/Downloads/Sendmail# sendmail -d60.5 -d27.2 -bv hacwebstore map_lookup(dequote, systemuser, %0=systemuser) => NOT FOUND (0) map_lookup(dequote, hacwebstore, %0=hacwebstore) => NOT FOUND (0) alias(hacwebstore) aliaswait: sleeping for 2 seconds (loopcount = 1) aliaswait: sleeping for 4 seconds (loopcount = 2) aliaswait: sleeping for 8 seconds (loopcount = 3) aliaswait: sleeping for 16 seconds (loopcount = 4) aliaswait: sleeping for 32 seconds (loopcount = 5) aliaswait: sleeping for 60 seconds (loopcount = 6) ^Csystemuser@openindiana:~/Downloads/Sendmail# [...] Have you executed newaliases command after modifying aliases file? The command adds special "magic" entry to the compiled version of aliases file used by sendmail.
URL(s): http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Sendmail/Part+III+The+Configurat...