21 Apr
21 Apr
10:01 p.m.
Oops, the configuration files in conf.d weren't included. They are now.
I am now seeing the follow errors showing up in the maillogs:
dovecot: master: Error: bind(/var/run/dovecot/sieve-pipe/php)
failed: No such file or directory
dovecot: master: Fatal: Failed to start listeners
I may be completely wrong here, but isn't it supposed to create this on its own since it's a unix listener?
The service looks like this now:
service php {
# Define the executed script as parameter to the sieve service
executable = script /etc/dovecot/sieve-pipe/php.sh
# Use some unprivileged user for executing the program
user = dovenull
# The unix socket located in the sieve_pipe_socket_dir (as
defined in the
# plugin {} section above)
unix_listener sieve-pipe/php {
# LDA/LMTP must have access
user = vmail
mode = 0600