I have this public folder:
namespace { location = maildir:/home/_shared/projects:INDEX=~/Maildir/_shared prefix = shared. separator = . subscriptions = no type = public }
Access is controlled by ACLs, everyone who has access is 'lrwstipek' except for some people who also have 'xa' privileges.
As you can see it is set to put its index to the user's Maildir so they can have per-user \Seen flags. And that is the case -- most of the time anyway. But for some folders, and I can't figure out why those, they just don't work: if someone sets a message read it immediately becomes read for everyone else, too, and vice versa if someone marks a message unread, it becomes unread everywhere. Further investigation shows that in these problematic folders, indeed all users directly manipulate the flag of the email (i.e. X marks email Z read, ",S" appears immediatelly in the filename).
Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong? I can't seem to find anything different with these problematic folders, ACLs look right etc.
Thanks in advance, Tamas