On Mar 1, 2018, at 22:35, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@dovecot.fi> wrote:

Under /etc/dovecot/virtual

you create the virtual folder structure you want, and put the dovecot-virtual files under those folders.

such as


Then in dovecot.conf  you put

namespace virtual {
 location = virtual:/etc/dovecot/virtual:INDEX=~/virtual:CONTROL=~/virtual

Ah, that is nifty. I did try setting up a sample monthly box under my list accounts, but when I loaded up my mail client (I tried three) it only showed "virtual”and "month”as empty mailboxes (Mail.app in iOS/macOS, Thunderbird, Roundcube webmail).

However, this is more in line with what I would like to create, a single configuration for ALL users, so I will give that a shot before I start trouble-shooting.

One quick note, ISBN;'t the default separator for Maildir '.’ and not '/'? I'd guess most everyone will need to specify


Yes? (At least when I tried '/‘as the separator dovecot complained)

My main job is trying to come up with new and innovative and effective ways to reject even more mail. I'm up to about 97% now.