On 5/30/13, Robert Schetterer <rs@sys4.de> wrote:
Am 30.05.2013 03:41, schrieb Edwardo Garcia:
As oringanal poster, I agree with previouz comment, I too feel thiz dovecot responsibile for thiz work handoff, or should delete ability to use two host, people twitter I ask all along thought this how it work too!
where is the problem, nobody presses you to use it,
nobody makes us dovecot true, but dovecot works fine and in perfect harmony with postfix, except this one option. I remember the earlier thread and have been waiting for this option, but now I see Timo has decided to drop the idea after earlier saying it would be beneficial, and seems some people have been waiting for long time for no reason, so maybe time to consider all other options, including server software.