19 Feb
19 Feb
6:23 p.m.
Steinar Bang <sb@dod.no>:
Steinar Bang <sb@dod.no>: I am transitioning between servers (both debian 11.6 with dovecot 2.3.13) and I'm seeing some strange behaviour after the transition: it seems like dovecot is listing the correct subject for the test messages I'm sending in what's shown in my MUA's summary.
But the body of the message is an old message.
The problem wasn't in dovecot.
The problem was in my MUA (gnus).
No it wasn't.
The problem was that I forgot to remove a cronjob 0 5 * * * rsync -4 --archive --delete oldserver.mydomain.no:Maildir .
So that job faithfully restored the maildir on the new server every night to the February 6 state on my old server.
8 days of email lost forever, and noone to blame but myself.
Oh well!