On 2014-07-28 16:51, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 23 Jul 2014, at 18:49, BlackVoid <blackvoid+dovecot@fantas.in> wrote:
I'm currently working on a control panel which is using postfix, dovecot and other applications and I want to add application specific passwords to increase security.
I found one solution [1], however it requires the password to be included in the query which is something I do not want to do, because the query may be written in clear-text to log-files. So I'm wondering if there is a way to have multiple passwords with dovecot without risking passwords being leakied in clear-text to log-files.
There's an old patch to support this, but it was never finished: http://dovecot.org/patches/2.0/auth-multi-password-2.0.diff
I had a newer idea about encoding the passwords into a single field, such as {MULTI}hash1:hash2:hash3 but that doesn't exist either yet.
For now the only possibility would be to create multiple passdbs, each one returning a different password field. That could work if you have only a couple of different passwords.
Well that's unfortunate. Looks like I have to scrap the idea until either the old patch or your idea is implemented. I don't think having multiple passdbs is a choice, because the amount of application specific passwords a user can have is not finite.
Thanks for the help though.