On 2018/11/30 10:55, Frederick Thomssen wrote:
Hi guys
Why do I get these e-mails?
You were subscribed to the dovecot mailing list but probably had it set to 'mail delivery: disabled' (possibly you read messages via archive and have subscribed so you can reply, but don't want to receive email copies of the messages).
Unsubscribe by sending mail to dovecot-request@dovecot.org with subject 'unsubscribe'.
Unsubscribe or change back to 'delivery: disabled' by web by going to https://dovecot.org/mailman/options/dovecot
On 30. 11. 18 10:50, glide3@gmail.com wrote:
Same problem here.
Sadly the remind password button / unsubscribe email button click and claim to send me a email but they don't.
Assume its due a high mailq with the amount of messages that need to go out?
Give it time. If all the email addresses which were disabled due to delivery failures have now been re-enabled, there are likely to be messages to a bunch of failing addresses in the queue, it will take a while before these get auto disabled again and things get back to normal.
Hopefully there aren't too many invalid addresses in this set, too many failures will trigger large mail hosts to start blocking the list sender..