On 8.2.2014, at 4.53, Jani Hast <ghast123@gmail.com> wrote:
I though this bug should be reported, although there is workaround already made and in use.
Dovecot 2.2.10 crashes into out of memory error when there is defined system users (userdb+passdb) and own virtual users (userdb+passdb). Removing either one solves the issue and Dovecot is working as it should.
I can't think of why that would make a difference.
When memory leak (I replaced pw_init and gr_init with the version that is found from 2.1.17) is fixed from lib/ipwd.c source,
I don't see any bugs or memory leaks in ipwd.c. Sounds like it could be an OpenBSD bug.
the auth worker gets to infinite loop and authentication timeouts(timeout was increased, but worker does not end what ever it's doing).
Would be useful to know where it's looping (gdb -p <pid>, bt, n, n, n, n, n, ...).
passdb { driver = bsdauth }
I don't have any BSDs installed, so can't easily test this.