On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 03:53:54 pm Zhang Huangbin wrote:
Hi, all.
I just upgrade from 1.0.15 to 1.1.1 in a test box(RHEL 5.2, x86_64).
after upgrade, i got this warning msg:
----8< ---- # /etc/init.d/dovecot restart Stopping Dovecot Imap: [ OK ] Starting Dovecot Imap: Warning: fd limit 1024 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load (more than 1280). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count and max_mail_processes settings [ OK ] ----8< ----
but i changed either login_max_processes_count and max_mail_processes to 2048, it raised the same msg.
change may not mean increase
How can i solove this issue?
/etc/security/limits.conf to increase the "nofiles" or possibly decrese the process counts.
Daniel Black
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