Hello Jackie,
Unfortunately, I am not really moving forward with that as I do not have much insight into the context structure in question. I guess we need to wait until Timo answers my e-mail.
Yes, haven't seen much from him lately. Must be busy or vacation...
On the other hand, nice the hear I am not the only person with this problem :-|
I think I've also seen these posted in the past from users. We hadn't experienced it until recently, just went into "production" this summer.
Jackie, is there a chance you could confirm my doubts by doing what I did in <mid:1799018363.20070903123736@poczta.onet.pl> and the original message? This way we would be sure we are talking about the same problem cause here since 'Dovecot hangs' sounds a bit generic. I think the stack trace and the variable values should be enough to confirm it.
Sorry, don't know about the mid: protocol. Not sure how to get to the reference you sent. From your email it looks like gdb has the ability to attach to a running process. We have dbx which I don't believe can do that. It would be nice to confirm our issues are the same though. What I'd really like is to find a way to recreate the problem.
Jackie Hunt
ACNS Voice: (970) 663-3789
Colorado State University FAX: (970) 491-1958
Fort Collins, CO 80523 Email: jackie.hunt@colostate.edu