On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 09:27 -0500, Glenn Leavell wrote:
Would it be possible (and would it make sense) to use some sort of "escaping" to make the separator used for encoding hierarchy in the backend Maildir *directories* transparent to the client and to the users? (I emphasize *directories* to distinguish this separator from the separator as used in the IMAP protocol). This could be similar to the common practice in shells and other environments of escaping special characters with a backslash. For example, if the filesystem separator were a dot, then a single mailbox referenced as "i.like.dots" might be encoded in the filesystem as ".i..like..dots". If this mailbox were a parent of "child", then we'd have the directory name ".i..like..dots.child".
That's possible, but then the directory layout wouldn't be called Maildir++ anymore. Maybe in v1.2.