On 1/24/19 12:15 AM, Per Jessen wrote:
Trever L. Adams wrote:
I know that sieve doesn't do math. The file would be created externally.
Based on examples in section 4.4 of https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5260#section-4
I figured something like this would work.
if date :value "le" :originalzone "date" "date" "2018-10-25" { fileinto "SPAM"; stop; }
However, I get the following.
spam: line 41: error: unknown tagged argument ':value' for the date test (reported only once at first occurrence). spam: error: validation failed. sievec(root): Fatal: failed to compile sieve script 'spam.sieve'
Does anyone have any advice on how to get this working? Hi Trever
here is a snippet I use occasionally:
if allof( currentdate :zone "+0200" :value "ge" "iso8601" "2017-09-04T00:00:00+02:00", currentdate :zone "+0200" :value "le" "iso8601" "2017-09-06T18:09:00+02:00" )
Please, correct me if I am wrong. This looks at the system clock. I need to look at the date in the email (Date header). I am trying to catch spam that hides 6-9 months in the past (in the last week I have had two from August 2018 show up... obviously forged header, but...).