On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 12:34:00PM +1000, David Terei wrote:
What I am trying to do is setup a spare computer to run Dovecot and that It stores all my email from my accounts which are all accessed through POP. This way instead of being tied to one mail client (and hence OS and Computer) I just set up my mail client to access Dovecot and then I'm done. So I am trying to set up an IMAP server to store my emails instead of just storing them on my local hard disk really.
I have essentially the same situation. I have a small number of users who need to work with their mail from more than one computer. I use getmail to pull their mail off their POP accounts and put it into the /var/mail/accountname directory. Then dovecot serves it to whatever computer and MUA they happen to be using at the moment.
I'm using old hardware, and I haven't had any problems with speed using getmail. I used fetchmail up until a year ago. I switched to getmail because it is safer. Getmail runs every 15 minutes as a cron job and pulls mail from several different POP accounts. I could do it more frequently without overloading anything. Fetchmail worked fine, but I can't tell that it worked any better than getmail.