We do...otherwise, there's the inevitable 'Tragedy of the Commons'...to say nothing of idiots mailing MB files to everybody in the community. And we're still on UW IMAP and the one-big-file INBOX which is a horror show when it gets big.
lack of quota compatibility is a migration to Dovecote show-stopper for us.
Jeroen Scheerder wrote:
Jeroen Scheerder wrote:
"Hard filesystem quota can also be problematic", quoth <http://www.dovecot.org/>.
Can anyone tell me whether or not there is, or will be, some way of using dovecot on a system with quota without risk of data loss when quota limits are reached? How do people cope with this?
Nobody uses quota on their servers anymore these days, I presume? :-)
Stewart Dean, Unix System Admin, Henderson Computer Resources Center of Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504 sdean@bard.edu voice: 845-758-7475, fax: 845-758-7035