Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 16:46 -0800, Kenneth Porter wrote:
On Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:25 AM +0100 Fredrik Tolf 
<fredrik@dolda2000.com> wrote:

I'm wondering how close Dovecot can be said to be to 1.0 "Final".
>From a developer's perspective, a better question is, "What's the roadmap?" 
What milestones are still unmet before 1.0 can be "released"?

Mostly I just want to get bugs fixed. People still report some
annoyingly difficult to reproduce bugs from time to time..



For what it's worth, you are a perfectionist. Far more than most other programmers. Most 1,0 versions of software aren't early as solid as your current Alpha version. I'm not suggesting that you lower your standards to everyone elses level but no one expects a 1.0 version to be perfect. In comparison, think about how buggy the current versions of Firefox and Thunderbird are. By your standatds they wouldn't even be up to Alpha even today.

And - I can tell you that the Alpha label is definitely hurting you and my recommendation as a person with marketing experience is do one or two beta versions, call it done and then 1.0 and then start fixing it. If you do that and you get a lot more people on board then other people will help you track down your bugs.

I don't know what other people think, if we can do a quick poll here, but comparing the current Alpha 5 to other 1.0 version of software, I think Dovecot is way more solid than most 1.0 versions. In fact, I'd give it a 1.3 if it were me. (Hope this makes sense to everyone.)