Is the index modification code portable that other software could link to a Dovecot library and update indexes on delivery?
<snip from vpopmail list>
Rick Romero wrote:
I was considering changing vdelivermail to have a stdout option, where you could pipe from vdelivermail to Dovecot's deliver for 'final' delivery instead of direct to Maildir within your .qmail-default file. That 'should' allow everything else to occur normally, but get those indexes updated as well. I think just 'HOME' needs to be exported, but I haven't tested it yet.
Is there a way to update Dovecot's indexes without having it handle delivery? In that case, we could easily add support for this into vpopmail.
/* Matt Brookings <> GnuPG Key D9414F70 Software developer Systems technician Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc. (815)776-9465 */