⌂63% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ grep fts1970 mail/INBOX
⌂67% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] 1 $ mail -s "test fts1970" ler@lerctr.org
test fts1970

test fts1970
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ mailq
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ grep fts1970 mail/INBOX
Subject: test fts1970
test fts1970
test fts1970

Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker exim[49528]: 1hFxvD-000Csq-P6 <= ler@lerctr.org U=ler P=local S=388
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(49364): Connect from local
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(ler@lerctr.org/49364): save: box=INBOX, uid=175402, msgid=<E1hFxvD-000Csq-P6@thebighonker.lerctr.org>, size=640, vsize=660, from=Larry Rosenman <ler@lerctr.org>, subject=test fts1970, flags=()
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(ler@lerctr.org/49364): sieve: msgid=<E1hFxvD-000Csq-P6@thebighonker.lerctr.org>: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX' (subject=test fts1970 from=ler@lerctr.org size=660)
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(49364): Disconnect from local: Client has quit the connection (state=READY)
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker exim[49535]: 1hFxvD-000Csq-P6 => ler <ler@lerctr.org> R=localuser T=dovecot_lmtp S=404 C="250 2.0.0 <ler@lerctr.org> 6ACWMN9OtFzUwAAAu+mOrA Saved" QT=0s DT=0s
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker exim[49535]: 1hFxvD-000Csq-P6 Completed QT=0s
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: indexer-worker(ler@lerctr.org/49366): Indexed 1 messages in INBOX (UIDs 175402..175402)

⌂81% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox INBOX  body 'fts1970'
⌂83% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $

⌂65% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] 75 $ doveadm search -u ler@lerctr.org  mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970'
a53a143be44bda5bd4830000bbe98eac 175402
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm index -q INBOX
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox INBOX  body 'fts1970'
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm fts rescan
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm index -q INBOX
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox INBOX  body 'fts1970'
a53a143be44bda5bd4830000bbe98eac 175402
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search -u ler@lerctr.org  mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970'
a53a143be44bda5bd4830000bbe98eac 175402
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $

So, yes, your hypothesis is correct.

Question: How can I make it consistent?  

I have a script that runs on the first of the month that does archiving, and I have similar issues in that namespace:
⌂67% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ cat bin/archive-mail
#Expects to be run after midnight on the first of the month
#  to archive all the previous months mail
#Date Run:
TODAY=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
#last month in YYYY/MM
YEAR_LAST_MONTH=`date -v-1d "+%Y/%m"`
#1st of last month as 01-Mon-YYYY
FIRST_LAST_MONTH=`date -v-1d "+01-%b-%Y"`
echo 'TODAY=' ${TODAY}
# get a list of all the mailboxes with at least one real message
doveadm -f tab mailbox status vsize \* 2>/dev/null |
        sed -e 1d | sort -k 1,1 |
        awk  'BEGIN {FS="\t"} {if ($2 > 0)  print $1}' |
while read i
   echo `date` start ${i}
   doveadm mailbox create "ARCHIVE/${YEAR_LAST_MONTH}/${i}"
   doveadm -f tab mailbox status messages "${i}"
   doveadm move "ARCHIVE/${YEAR_LAST_MONTH}/${i}" mailbox \
            "${i}" BEFORE ${TODAY} SINCE ${FIRST_LAST_MONTH}
   doveadm -f tab mailbox status messages "${i}"
   echo `date` done  ${i}
⌂64% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $

The Exim config can be provided as well if necessary.

ler & ler@lerctr.org *ARE THE SAME MAILBOX*

On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 4:05 AM John Fawcett via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
On 15/04/2019 10:59, Larry Rosenman via dovecot wrote:
I'll run a full test when I'm back in front of areal computer vs. My phone.(in a few hours)

From: dovecot <dovecot-bounces@dovecot.org> on behalf of John Fawcett via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 3:57:08 AM
To: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: SOLR/Index?
On 15/04/2019 10:31, Larry Rosenman via dovecot wrote:
It always shows the autoindex. And yes built from sources.  I'm the FreeBSD port maintainer for mail/docecot.  This has been happening for several releases.

From: dovecot <dovecot-bounces@dovecot.org> on behalf of John Fawcett via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 2:06:55 AM
To: dovecot@dovecot.org
Subject: Re: SOLR/Index?
On 15/04/2019 08:09, Larry Rosenman via dovecot wrote:
Note the hits after the fts rescan/index.

From: Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 12:55:07 AM
To: Larry Rosenman; John Fawcett
Cc: Dovecot Mailing List
Subject: Re: SOLR/Index?

On 15.4.2019 3.33, Larry Rosenman via dovecot wrote:
⌂72% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox lists/freebsd/ports-commiters  body 'sysutils'
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm fts rescan
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm index -q lists/freebsd/ports-commiters
⌂64% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ tail -f /var/log/maillog
Apr 14 19:30:27 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 2 secs): user=<gwc>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS: Connection closed, session=<EAk5woaGV4S0tNl8>
Apr 14 19:30:28 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: imap-login: Login: user=<ler>, method=PLAIN, rip=2001:470:1f0f:3ad:bb:dcff:fe50:d900, lip=2001:470:1f0f:3ad:bb:dcff:fe50:d900, mpid=14813, TLS, session=<lr1mwoaGwYMgAQRwHw8DrQC73P/+UNkA>
Apr 14 19:30:30 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: imap(ler/14813): Logged out in=12412 out=66691 fhc=0 fhb=0 fbc=0 fbb=0 del=0 exp=0 trash=0
Apr 14 19:30:54 thebighonker exim[14846]: no host name found for IP address
Apr 14 19:30:55 thebighonker exim[14846]: H=(DaVinci-MWare.prophet21lab.com) []:52130 I=[]:25 sender verify defer for <info@duke.org>: host lookup did not complete
Apr 14 19:30:55 thebighonker exim[14846]: H=(DaVinci-MWare.prophet21lab.com) []:52130 I=[]:25 F=<info@duke.org> temporarily rejected RCPT <jpotyh@why.net>: Could not complete sender verify
Apr 14 19:31:04 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: imap-login: Login: user=<ctr>, method=PLAIN, rip=2001:470:1f0f:3ad:bb:dcff:fe50:d900, lip=2001:470:1f0f:3ad:bb:dcff:fe50:d900, mpid=14910, TLS, session=<bVWMxIaGJtogAQRwHw8DrQC73P/+UNkA>
Apr 14 19:31:04 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: imap(ctr/14910): Logged out in=169 out=1711 fhc=0 fhb=0 fbc=0 fbb=0 del=0 exp=0 trash=0
Apr 14 19:31:16 thebighonker exim[14911]: no host name found for IP address
Apr 14 19:31:19 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: indexer-worker(ler/14919): Indexed 1578 messages in lists/freebsd/ports-commiters (UIDs 21067..22644)
[ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] 130 $ doveadm search mailbox lists/freebsd/ports-commiters  body 'sysutils/'

Just minor nit, but you are searching for 'sysutils' first, then 'sysutils/'. FTS does not do substring searches by default.


Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c)     E-Mail: larryrtx@gmail.com
US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106


just to be sure: are you running a standard unmodified version which you built from source code?

I can see that first you search for sysutils, then do a rescan and reindex (which is shown in the log) and then you are able to find sysutils/.

It is better when doing these tests to search for the same string before and after, just to eliminate too many different factors in the test.

Nevertheless I did not see your logging for what happens when you receive a test message containing sysutils/. Dovecot should be outputing info about autoindexing given your setup. Does it do that or does it give some other message? Can you show those logs?



Did you notice any difference between the logging for auto indexing and the logging for indexing that you triggered manually? Would you mind posting the auto indexing logging for a message to that same user (ler)?

best regards


ok, the hypothesis I'm trying to confirm is that auto indexing is taking place under the full username ler@somedomain whereas in the command line tests you did your are using user ler (as presumably is roundcube).


Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c)     E-Mail: larryrtx@gmail.com
US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106