On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 10:42, bmfr bastien.murzeau@palomanetworks.com wrote:
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your reply, I'm using a thrid party IMAP client (can not disclose its name) and testing with other IMAP clients work. I'm wondering if you had an idea of what could trigger this LOGOUT msg from the client and if it could be something I could fix from the server side.
I know of no such behaviour with clients I've been using (AppleMail, Evolution, Outlook, Thunderbird). So I have to suspect something in that third party client itself. Maybe the people who support it can tell you how to enabled client debugging modes that give more detail than just the IMAP traffic. Apparently it is making the decision to do a LOGOUT.
One speculation is that the server certificate was not authenticated via a known CA certificate. Is the server certificate signed by a well known (to the client) certificate authority? Ordinarily, a client encountering this should notify you about it, somehow (popup in GUI, messages in text, syslog for web based, etc). Check such logs, too.