On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 23:57 +0200, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
Karsten Bräckelmann <guenther@rudersport.de> wrote:
On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 22:41 +0200, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
a) *clearly* mark POP/IMAP account fetched by fetchmail [with fetchmail using directly dovecot-deliver in --mda option]
Would the fetchmail tracepolls option not do? It generates a header like this, including local and remote account info.
Received: from mail.example.net [] by local-server with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.4 polling mail.example.net account user) for <local-user@localhost> (single-drop); Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:42:27 +0200 (CEST)
Is there an easy way to use such "tracepoll Received:" in
- sieve scripts?
- procmail scripts?
That's exactly why I originally tracked down the fetchmail tracepolls option. :)
Easy? Sure, multi-line headers are re-flowed with procmail, so it's a "single-line" RE for matching. But since we're talking about procmail, any answer regarding "easy" depends on whom you ask... ;)
-- char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4"; main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1: (c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}