Steve Campbell <> writes:
This was piped into a script that Email'd users about the changes that was going to happen, what they would expect to see, and a FAQ on how to set up a mail client correctly.
Here, I'm not sure what should be done. The users with the secondary folders that are not in ~/mail can't seem to get the client configured.
"Great artists steal". Google around for a good set of instructions on how to set up IMAP prefix's for various mail clients, and refer your users to that.
I also referred them to our webmail (with the correct mail prefix) as a reference to a list of mailboxes they ought to see. If they don't match, then that's a symptom of a bad prefix.
I've tried this and modified the .mailboxlist, but I'm thinking Dovecot is ignoring this and I'm not sure what it's looking at to determine the imap folders.
- .subscription files were moved into the mail folder (don't have to edit prefixes since the aliasing will take care of that).
And when would these .subscription files be created? The first time the folders would be accessed, or when? This seems to be part of my fix that I'm getting lost on.
Sorry, as Timo intimated, dovecot uses .subscription, which can be adjusted back to .mailboxlist, which uw-imapd uses. You shouldn't have to edit it if you set up namespace aliasing. Just move it from the top-level into your user's mail directory during cutover:
(if you use dovecot's default subscription filename)
mv $USER/.mailboxlist $USER/mail/.subscription
If your IMAP client is still ignoring subscriptions, it usually means the client was configured that way.
- your setup is fairly close to mine, so you may also run into the problem of user having mailboxes with group ownership that users are not part of (for example, group "mail" for INBOX set by your LDA or personal mailboxes with groups the user is no longer a member of) *and* with group permission not mode=0.
Sendmail sort of requires the "mail" group, does it not? I'll take a look and see if all users are part of this or not. A crazy solution would be in order here?
I think sendmail works fine if you set your mail spool mode=1777 (like /tmp), but have each inbox mode=0600. This setting will persist.
It's sendmail LDA mail.local that's the problem: it autocreates new inboxes with permissions user:mail/660 and unless the user is in group "mail", chaos will ensue.
You can maybe do a cron script or some other hack, or better yet, use dovecot LDA, which sets up the perms correctly (and keeps indexes updated). A one time "chmod go-rwx" during cutover is all that is required then.
The log entry that points this problem out looks like
dovecot: imap(smith): Error: chown(/dc-cache/smith/.imap/xx, group=6(mail)) failed: Operation not permitted (egid=5678(goodgroup), group based on /home/smith/mail/xx - see
dovecot: imap(smith): Error: mkdir(/dc-cache/smith/.imap/xx) failed: Not owner
Joseph Tam <>