Well, I solved my own problem.  It turns out that the RPM that comes with Mandriva 2007 is for 1.0rc07, which uses the old format instead of "mail_location".

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: hackhound <hackhound@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30, 2007 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot 1.0 on a Mandriva 2007 box
To: dovecot@dovecot.org

On 1/30/07, Charles Marcus < CMarcus@media-brokers.com> wrote:
hackhound wrote:
> I installed the RPM, and fought with it for days before realizing the
> packaged config file is incorrect.  So I downloaded the latest tarball
> and used the sample dovecot.conf file.  I was finally able to get
> dovecot to run as long as I leave the mail_location line commented out.
> If I uncomment the line dovecot complains that "mail_location" is an
> "unknown setting".  What am I missing?

Well... it would help if you'd provide what is in your .conf file now...
maybe it is just a typo...


Best regards,


## Dovecot configuration file

protocols = pop3 pop3s
listen = *

#mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u

#mail_debug = no

protocol pop3 {
  # Login executable location.
  login_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login

  # POP3 executable location. See IMAP's mail_executable above for examples
  # how this could be changed.
  mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3

  # Don't try to set mails non-recent or seen with POP3 sessions. This is
  # mostly intended to reduce disk I/O. With maildir it doesn't move files
  # from new/ to cur/, with mbox it doesn't write Status-header.
  #pop3_no_flag_updates = no

  # Support LAST command which exists in old POP3 specs, but has been removed
  # from new ones. Some clients still wish to use this though. Enabling this
  # makes RSET command clear all \Seen flags from messages.
  #pop3_enable_last = no

  # If mail has X-UIDL header, use it as the mail's UIDL.
  #pop3_reuse_xuidl = no

  # Keep the mailbox locked for the entire POP3 session.
  #pop3_lock_session = no

  # POP3 UIDL (unique mail identifier) format to use. You can use following
  # variables:
  #  %v - Mailbox's IMAP UIDVALIDITY
  #  %u - Mail's IMAP UID
  #  %m - MD5 sum of the mailbox headers in hex (mbox only)
  #  %f - filename (maildir only)
  # If you want UIDL compatibility with other POP3 servers, use:
  #  UW's ipop3d         : %08Xv%08Xu
  #  Courier version 0   : %f
  #  Courier version 1   : %u
  #  Courier version 2   : %v-%u
  #  Cyrus (<= 2.1.3)    : %u
  #  Cyrus (>= 2.1.4)    : %v.%u
  #  Older Dovecots      : %v.%u
  #  tpop3d              : %Mf
  # Note that Outlook 2003 seems to have problems with %v.%u format which was
  # Dovecot's default, so if you're building a new server it would be a good
  # idea to change this. %08Xu%08Xv should be pretty fail-safe.
  # NOTE: Nowadays this is required to be set explicitly, since the old
  # default was bad but it couldn't be changed without breaking existing
  # installations. %08Xu%08Xv will be the new default, so use it for new
  # installations.
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xv%08Xu

  # POP3 logout format string:
  #  %t - number of TOP commands
  #  %p - number of bytes sent to client as a result of TOP command
  #  %r - number of RETR commands
  #  %b - number of bytes sent to client as a result of RETR command
  #  %d - number of deleted messages
  #  %m - number of messages (before deletion)
  #  %s - mailbox size in bytes (before deletion)
  #pop3_logout_format = top=%t/%p, retr=%r/%b, del=%d/%m, size=%s

  # Support for dynamically loadable plugins. mail_plugins is a space separated
  # list of plugins to load.
  #mail_plugins =
  #mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3

  # Workarounds for various client bugs:
  #   outlook-no-nuls:
  #     Outlook and Outlook Express hang if mails contain NUL characters.
  #     This setting replaces them with 0x80 character.
  #   oe-ns-eoh:
  #     Outlook Express and Netscape Mail breaks if end of headers-line is
  #     missing. This option simply sends it if it's missing.
  # The list is space-separated.
  #pop3_client_workarounds =

auth default {
  # Space separated list of wanted authentication mechanisms:
  #   plain login digest-md5 cram-md5 ntlm rpa apop anonymous gssapi
  mechanisms = plain login
   passdb shadow {
  userdb passwd {