Hi. At http://wiki.dovecot.org/ManageSieve#line-229 , I want to download the patch that's supposed to fix two problems in Avelsieve. Unfortunately, when I click on the link to the patch, I always get an error message:
You are not allowed to do AttachFile on this page.
Ouch, sorry, I advised Timo to disable AttachFile because somebody was using the dovecot wiki to distribute some key files for something that had nothing to do with dovecot.
Johannes, thanks. While we're waiting for that to get sorted out, could someone be so kind as to email me the patch? Thanks, Andrew.
Ok, that is not practical. I've recovered it from my mail discussion with Hanspeter Kunz who provided the definitive version of this patch. I've put it online here:
http://www.rename-it.nl/dovecot/client-patches/avelsieve-1.9.7-dovecot.d iff
Stephan, thank you. I applied the patch and it seems to work fine.
For anyone else who wants the patch, I'm attaching it here in diff -urN format.
I hope we can get attachment downloads working soon in the wiki.
Thanks, Andrew.