Am 06.04.2013 14:52, schrieb Benny Pedersen:
Reindl Harald skrev den 2013-04-06 14:43:
has to do what with IMAP/POP3 Logins?
patch / hack it to dovecot
f**k yourself
but nobody speaks about postfix and nobody use sql logs
are you drunken or what has this to do with sql logs?
i am using both, so what the question was a already present script instead write my own
so if you have nothing to say better shut up
i speak about a simple way to get a notify of the brute-forcing IP and the both are MANUAL tasks i do since virtually forever
if it was simple, others have writed it already
and that was the question
the question was a script to parse maillog and simüply notify and NOT fail2ban or whatever long-living process and NOT directly touch iptables, iptables-config is distributed with a inhosue solution accros the whole infrastructure
note that it works on dovecot 1.x aswell, no need to upgrade :)
keep your silly smilies for yourself
[root@mail:~]$ rpm -q dovecot dovecot-2.1.16-4.fc17.20130405.rh.x86_64