Thank you for the reply. 

As per our current infrastructure, I can go maximum of the redhat 7.7 version. Not more than that. Am I able to install or upgrade to dovecot 2.3 version in redhat 7.7?

I have another question. I understand redhat 6.10 will go out of support in november 2020. But this is a test environment. Am i able to install dovecot 2.3 version on redhat 6.10? For the Live support, I will be doing it on redhat 7.7 version. 

For testing, I am trying redhat 6.10 version, if it is successful, i will be trying the Live one's on redhat 7.7 version.

Please help me if it is possible to install dovecot 2.3 on redhat 6.10? This is a temporary test setup only. 

Kishore Potnuru

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 6:26 PM Alexander Dalloz <> wrote:
Am 08.07.2020 um 11:53 schrieb Kishore Potnuru:
> Hi All,
> I request your help on this.
> I have 2 dovecot test servers (IMAP protocol) installed with the following
> configuration.
> =============
> [root@devap01 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-*
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.10 (Santiago)
> [root@devap01 ~]# dovecot --version
> 2.0.9
> [root@devap01 ~]# postconf | grep mail_version
> mail_version = 2.6.6
> ===============


please don't address me personally. This is a mailing list and I don't
offer / sell consulting.

Let me comment only on the versions you provide. Please be aware that
RHEL 6 will get EOL by end of November this year. So your strategy
better comprises a migration to RHEL 7 or RHEL 8.

Along that steps to a current RHEL major release you will profit from
newer Dovecot and Postfix releases. Running RHEL 8 you would even get
pretty current releases, still supported by the upstream projects.
