Hi All,On 2006-06-20 19:15:27 +0200, Petar Bogdanovic wrote:Clovis Tristao wrote:My distribution Fedora Core Release 4 does not exist update for the new version saw rpm. How I make to bring up to date my version using rpm? Thanks a lot,Be a man, take the source of the latest beta-release and build it manually. ;)http://ATrpms.net/name/dovecot/ darix
-- Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO) E-mail: clovis@agr.unicamp.br http://www.agr.unicamp.br Fone(0xx19) 37881031-37881038 ou FAX(55xx19) 37881005/37881010