On 07/12/2014 01:41 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 12.07.2014 13:31, schrieb Steve Litt:
A malfunctioning lo will cause Dovecot not to connect to clients. My experience with Debian Wheezy is that lo "goes down" a lot, so this is one of the first things I do when odd stuff happens
uhm if you *loopback device* goes down your machine has a serious problem - within 15 years Linux expierience i never faced a broken "lo" device and i guess the same for 99.9999% of all admins
While I *am* part of those 99+%, I would like to point out that there *also* is a lot of stuff that is perfectly normal for run-of-the-mill network interfaces, but likely has never been tried by said 99+ with lo, either. In particular, the following possibilities come to my mind:
- Flaky IPv6 support (which wouldn't affect "" directly, but might cause frequent changes of lo to add/remove/repeat ::1)
- New interface naming schemes (I note that while eth0 starts to appear under all sorts of fancy names, nonempty iptables rules still routinely do a "-i lo -j ACCEPT" name reference in filter/INPUT)
- Taking ntpd's 127.127.x.y pseudo-IPs for clocks a tad too literally
To sum it up - I think that you *do* want to try and nail a root cause there.
Regards, J. Bern
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