Oct 16 22:52:42 mta0 dovecot: lda(luciano.moreira@metal.eeimvr.uff.br): sieve: msgid=<a04f508ac9d299a0733a09ce714ae56f@localhost.localdomain>: stored mail into mailbox 'luciano/moreira@metal/eeimvr/uff/br' Oct 16 22:52:48 mta0 dovecot: lda(fabiana@vm.uff.br): sieve: msgid=< 4CB3CFE3.4060206@wspc.com.sg>: stored mail into mailbox 'fabiana@vm/uff/br' Oct 16 22:52:49 mta0 dovecot: master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=12190 uid=0 code=kill) Oct 16 22:52:57 mta0 dovecot: imap(testador@uff.br): Server shutting down. bytes=63/1673 Oct 16 22:52:59 mta0 dovecot: lda(mtahsp@vm.uff.br): sieve: msgid=< MAILSENDER2003BHUdm00087164@mailer.umail.com.br>: stored mail into mailbox 'Spam' Oct 16 22:52:59 mta0 dovecot: lda(valeriavet@vm.uff.br): msgid=<FD.E7.04337.F8F18BC4@mta01>: saved mail to INBOX Oct 16 22:52:59 mta0 dovecot: lda(santelli@geoq.uff.br): sieve: msgid=<3627207d2597dcb14860bb050c442be3@localhost.localdomain>: stored mail into mailbox 'santelli@geoq/uff/br'
sieve: msgid=<3627207d2597dcb14860bb050c442be3@localhost.localdomain>:
stored mail into mailbox 'santelli@geoq/uff/br'
Can anyone tel me why dovecot is delivering msg liks this, it is creating an folder and saving msg in it. ???
help please!
Does anyone know if it is sieve ?