19 Jan
19 Jan
9:32 a.m.
Steffen Kaiser schrieb:
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009, Seth Mattinen wrote:
As a mail admin, I never want to see deliver generating its own messages to potentially forged addresses and spamming innocent people. The MTA should do this during the SMTP transaction.
Which MTA tries to deliver the mail during the SMTP dialogue? Neither Postfix nor sendmail does, unfortunately. Well, one would open yet another can of worms, if doing so, I guess.
-- Steffen Kaiser
Depends what kind of bounce you mean i.e quota full bounce can be avoided by postfix with vda patch ( which isnt official supported by postfix hackers ) but you cant use an additional lda then ( so you may loose filter stuff ) but in fact if you look in your logs daily and have good Anitvirus and Antispam stuff integrated and setuped ,backscatters by lda are very rare, and mostly have easy solutions, like expand quota, deleting mailboxes etc so its like others said avoid to bounce to spam mails is the most stuff, i.e clamav-milter helps a lot killing worms etc on smtp income level, if sanesecurity is up again this will work again for known spam
Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer