Hi List!

At the moment, our company is preparing to migrate from MS-Exchange to a dovecot mail platform. Since there is no way to access the emails on the file-store other than using webmail, pop or imap, I wanted to do this by using an imap-to-imap copy tool.

I have found one that does the job (but POORLY), named migrate (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/cyrus-utils/). Does anyone know some other tool(s) for me I could have a look at?

My requirements for such software are:
- it should use a username;password list to do the migration (20k+ users)
- it should be able to do imap to imap copy, or imap to maildir with a flexible path
- it should copy all the folders too, except the "Public Folders" from exchange.
- it has to be able to "ignore" unknown flags from the exchange imap server (\Recent).

What I would love the software to have (and what imapmigrate lacks):
- Folder and message syncing (to be able to keep the mailbox in sync)
- detailed errors if something goes wrong, not too much fuss over accounts that DO get copied cleanly
- fast tool? :)

Thank you for your time!

Kind regards,

Maikel Verheijen.