unfortunately im not authorized to publish the whole headers and content, but as an example:

in headers:
To: ""Ing. Markéta Kleinová"' <x@xxx.xx>

view in the webmail or outlook
"Ing. Markéta Kleinová"

and it should be Ing. Markéta Kleinová

The problem is with From and To headers.

23. 6. 2020 v 10:43, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com>:

On 23/06/2020 11:31 Jan Jurko <jan@jurko.cz> wrote:

Good day.
I have a dovecot on debian 10 as an imap server. I found there are emails where the header field From has no encoding even if there is a name with special characters like Žlutý Kůň. The header looks like:

From: "Žlutý Kůň" <zluty.kun@domain.tld>

In this case the email client - roundcube, outlook etc. will show the From with wrong characters. This behaviour is typical only for dovecot, not for courier-imap - it was installed before dovecot with no problems.

If there is corretly encoded From filed, the client shows the From correctly.

Is there a way to set up the dovecot to show the field correctly even without encoding stuff? Some default/fallback settings?

Thank you very much for your help

Jan Jurko

Is it possible to get a sample mail corpus?
