On 13 Jun 2019, at 20.15, Eirik Rye via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
Is there a way in Dovecot to see which (or even how many) users are connected to a specific director without having to count TCP connections?

# ps aux | grep imap-login
dovenull  3200  0.0  0.0  44676  3376 ?        S    Apr16   1:15 dovecot/imap-login 
dovenull  3208  0.0  0.0  44664  3364 ?        S    Apr16   2:05 dovecot/imap-login 
dovenull  3209  0.0  0.0  42616  2296 ?        S    Apr16   9:00 dovecot/imap-login [1 connections (0 TLS)]
dovenull  3210  0.0  0.0  44704  3604 ?        S    Apr16   3:19 dovecot/imap-login 

rinse and repeat with pop3-login or lmtp.
