- Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>:
On Feb 25, 2008, at 9:44 AM, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
fmt=0x80e9534 "Trying to close mailbox %s with open transactions", .. #6 0x0805f9db in cmd_logout (cmd=0x81040c0) at cmd-logout.c:18
Any idea how to reproduce this?
User has a huge mailbox, probably the client runs into a timeout and disconnects.
Dovecot catches this error a bit too late for the backtrace to be useful. What plugins do you use? $ /usr/local/sbin/dovecot -n |grep -i plug
mail_plugins(default): quota imap_quota trash mail_log mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota trash mail_log mail_plugins(pop3): quota mail_log
Anyway this isn't too bad because the client had already disconnected. :)
-- Ralf Hildebrandt (Ralf.Hildebrandt@charite.de) snickebo@charite.de Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155 http://www.arschkrebs.de A well managed mailserver has an empty queue. Instead of spending effort on priority queueing, make the system drain the queue faster for all mail...