I have a lot of domains in a mail server, so I make a balanced allocation of mailboxes in the storage disks. That improves performance of access to records. Therefore, I want to overwrite 'mail_location' directive for each user. But I also want to use the modifier 'H' to spray the mailboxes of the same partition in a hash.
Then, each user has your own 'mail_location' that I would like load from database. Like this:
mdbox:/var/spool/imap/partition1/%256HRu/%u:INDEX=/var/lib/imap/user/% 256HRu/%u
partition1 is in range [partition1 .. partiton7]
In my tests the '%256HRu/%u' kind of 'mail_location' is not being interpreted by Dovecot.
Can Dovecot to interpret 'mail_location' load from database ?
Thank you.
[]'s Thiago Henrique Network Administration Digirati Networks K8 Networks