
On Mar 21, 2023, at 02:38, Aki Tuomi <> wrote:

On 21/03/2023 05:29 EET Elisamuel Resto Donate <> wrote:

Writing to get some insight as to how I might rid myself of a the pesky error message on the subject. Every binary throws out that error, every LMTP delivery... basically every time any dovecot binary is executed. I am unsure if this is configuration related or not, but intuition says it is an issue with a kernel feature or compiler issue.
I saw the error message in the source code (file ), but I don't understand enough of the dovecot architecture or what the code itself is doing in this case. Below and excerpt of a few lines of logs. Since I don't know what specifically this would relate to (and I don't quite remember the command to send the "safe" version of the configuration), I am sending this message in hopes that whatever is needed can be asked and I will provide it.


[... postfix and rspamd output...]
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia postfix/qmgr[21403]: 4PgcGQ33LfzdT4h: from=<list@someml.tld>, size=12064, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia postfix/smtpd[18941]: disconnect from some.list.server[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=7
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(18954): Error: /proc/self/status is larger than expected
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(18954): Connect from local
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(<18954><vbRKLa4hGWQKSgAAw1YR2w>: Error: /proc/self/status is larger than expected
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: message repeated 2 times: [ lmtp(<18954><vbRKLa4hGWQKSgAAw1YR2w>: Error: /proc/self/status is larger than expected]
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(<18954><vbRKLa4hGWQKSgAAw1YR2w>: sieve: msgid=<>: fileinto action: stored mail into mailbox 'Lists/Folder'
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(<18954><vbRKLa4hGWQKSgAAw1YR2w>: Error: /proc/self/status is larger than expected
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: indexer-worker(<18956><vbRKLa4hGWQKSgAAw1YR2w:RtkiMa4hGWQMSgAAw1YR2w>: Error: /proc/self/status is larger than expected
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia postfix/lmtp[18943]: 4PgcGQ33LfzdT4h: to=<>,[private/dovecot-lmtp], delay=0.4, delays=0.31/0/0.01/0.07, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 <> vbRKLa4hGWQKSgAAw1YR2w Saved)
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(18954): Disconnect from local: Logged out (state=READY)
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia dovecot: lmtp(18954): Error: /proc/self/status is larger than expected
Mar 20 22:17:02 gaia postfix/qmgr[21403]: 4PgcGQ33LfzdT4h: removed


Which distro is this?
