So adding "-o imapc_list_prefix=INBOX" to the doveadm command line should fix that, I would think ?So is the remote INBOX really 'INBOX' or 'INBOX.INBOX'? Command line arguments depend on which one it is.I managed to find some old archived emails with some tips on how it was solved back then. It was done with something like this:normal doveadm command:'LOG_STDERR_TIMESTAMP="%b %d %H:%M:%S.%{usecs} " ' + '/usr/bin/doveadm' + dsync_debug + \" -o mail_prefetch_count=10 " + \" -o imapc_features=fetch-headers " + \" -o imapc_host=" + legacy_host + \" -o imapc_port=" + legacy_port + \" -o imapc_list_prefix=" + imapc_prefix + \" -o imapc_prefix=" + imapc_prefix + \" -o imapc_user=" + self.legacy_user + \" -o imapc_master_user=" + self.legacy_user + \" -o imapc_password=" + imapc_master_password + \" -o mail_fsync=never " + \" backup -u " + self.uid + \" -R imapc: >> " + dsync_err_log_location + self.uid + ".dsync_err.log 2>&1"If I remember correctly imapc_prefix was 'INBOX/' since this customer had INBOX/INBOX setup with / as separator.and if user had INBOX/INBOX detected this command was run on top of that to migrate INBOX:'LOG_STDERR_TIMESTAMP="%b %d %H:%M:%S.%{usecs} " ' + '/usr/bin/doveadm' + dsync_debug + \" -o namespace/inbox/prefix= " + \" -o mail_prefetch_count=10 " + \" -o imapc_features=fetch-headers " + \" -o imapc_host=" + legacy_host + \" -o imapc_port=" + legacy_port + \" -o imapc_user=" + self.legacy_user + \" -o imapc_master_user=" + self.legacy_user + \" -o imapc_password=" + imapc_master_password + \" -o mail_fsync=never " + \" backup -u " + self.uid + \" -m INBOX/INBOX " + \" -R imapc: >> " + dsync_err_log_location + self.uid + ".dsync_err.log 2>&1"HTH,Sami