On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 06:04:53PM +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Anyway, "mkdir .INBOX" succeeds but it is created with perms 070 and trying to create the links inside it causes the permission errors.
Ah, and this was because I was stupid and set the default umask to 0700 instead of 0077 :) You could fix this by uncommenting the umask-line in dovecot.conf.
Hey, it works! :)
btw. 0.95 also has problems with bad network connections or large mailboxes, I'll probably release 0.96 soon which fixes it.
Yes, confirmed. Using 0.96 my inbox shows up with all my ~200 messages now.
Now, one last question (for a while): would be possible/desirable make Dovecot work when an user is with her disk quota completely full (hard quota)? The main reason I'm looking for an alternative imap server is that neither WU-Imapd nor Courier work "properly" (from an user point of view) in that situation (the user can not login or delete her messages to clean up the mailbox). If Dovecot could handle this problem (creating its scratch files in /tmp, perhaps) it'd be big plus, IMHO.
Thanks for the great support :)