On Monday 12 February 2007 07:53:12 edwardspl@ita.org.mo wrote:
Peter Fern wrote:
edwardspl@ita.org.mo wrote:
Hello Charles,
1, All Services in the same Server machine. 2, Prevent some users from sending ( though SMTP Server : Sendmail ) / receiving ( Dovecot : pop3 / imap ) his or her emails.
Really, I don't see how anyone can possibly help you with the level of information you've provided, and to be honest the scope of this list probably doesn't cover basic user management, so be thankful for any advice you do receive, and at least provide enough details for people to try.
Hello Peter,
Sorry, what more detail need to be posted here ?
Changing their password as suggested will prevent the user from logging into any services which use the passwd database on the machine.
You use dovecot for pop3/imap and sendmail for smtp. That much you have told us. What we don't know is what kind of authentication you use on each of these services. Assuming that changing the password didn't work then this is the information which is needed before any more specific suggestions can be made. Once that is known, the solution should be obvious.
This is also assuming that you are the administrator of the machine in question.