> They are all printed when opening mailbox:
Yes, sorry. I was confused by Python implementation(which should be IMAP4rev1 compliant, but guess it's not) of select() method which only returns number of messages in the mailbox. I'll have to reimplement or find a patch.

Our users will have quite large mailboxes that can be quite useless without effective search. For now I'll use our own index server with combination of this Notifier plugin.

Yeah, nobody seems to like Squat much, custom solution sounds much better. Hope you implement it soon ;)



On 7/22/05, Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi> wrote:
On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 19:38 +0200, Sebastjan Trepca wrote:
> Is there a way to list all keywords a mailbox uses?

They are all printed when opening mailbox:

* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft foo bar
unknown-0 baz asdf dgidjgidjigd unknown-1 unknown-2 unknown-4 unknown-4X
lorro \*)] Flags

> What's the situation with full text search? Will it ever be
> implemented? Is it already? Text search on my 0.99.14 is quite slow.
> Don't understand why no IMAP server wants to implement this feature.

IMAP spec requires SEARCH command to search for the exact given input,
so all normal search indexing solutions won't work. For example if
message contains word "abcdefgh", the message must be found when
searching for "def" text.

The only usable full text search indexing for IMAP that I know of is
Cyrus's "squat indexes". I've been thinking of either just using their
code directly or to implement my own based on same ideas. Their
implementation is pretty annoying though since it requires re-reading
the whole mailbox when all you want to do is append one mail to the
index. Also it uses somewhat more space than really required. So I'd
like to implement my own, but it's not a very high priority currently.

> Does Dovecot support plugins?


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