Hello everyone,
I have a problem with MailCrypt on my Dovecot installation.
I have two Dovecot servers with Maildir on a shared filesystem.
In front of the servers is a dovecot director, so that the connections of a user are always directed to the same backend server.  

The setup worked fine for almost a year.
Since a few weeks I have the occasional problem with my primary mailbox that Dovecot cannot access the decryption key. 
So far I have always solved the problem by restoring the servers completely from the last backup.
Of course this is not a proper solution. 
The following message appears in the logfile:

Nov 30 10:56:11 vsrv-dus6-mta01 dovecot: imap(daniel@xxx)<26699><sPhx21C1UdTAqAFk>: Error: Mailbox INBOX: UID=15338: read() failed: read(/var/vmail/mailboxes/xxx/daniel/mail/cur/1606576233.M400743P1901.vsrv-dus6-mta01,S=1958,W=2004:2,) failed: Decryption error: no private key available

Nov 30 10:58:39 vsrv-dus6-mta01 dovecot: imap(daniel@xxx)<26788><PPlx5FC1WtTAqAFk>: Error: Mailbox INBOX: UID=15338: read() failed: read(/var/vmail/mailboxes/xxx/daniel/mail/cur/1606576233.M400743P1901.vsrv-dus6-mta01,S=1958,W=2004:2,) failed: Decryption error: no private key available

Nov 30 10:58:42 vsrv-dus6-mta01 dovecot: imap(daniel@xxx)<26792><pEqC5FC1W9TAqAFk>: Error: Mailbox INBOX: UID=15338: read() failed: read(/var/vmail/mailboxes/xxx/daniel/mail/cur/1606576233.M400743P1901.vsrv-dus6-mta01,S=1958,W=2004:2,) failed: Decryption error: no private key available

The file "dovecot-attributes" exists and has not been changed according to the timestamp. I can open the file and view its contents. 

root@vsrv-dus6-mta01:~# ls -lh /var/vmail/mailboxes/xxx/daniel/Maildir/

total 7,5K

-rw------- 1 vmail vmail 7,3K Jan 27  2020 dovecot-attributes



When I run "doveadm mailbox cryptokey list" it returns an empty result. 

root@vsrv-dus6-mta01:~# doveadm mailbox cryptokey list -u daniel@xxx -U

doveadm(daniel@xxx): Warning: mailbox cryptokey list: Nothing was matched. Use -U or specify mask?

Folder Active Public ID                                                                                                                                                                          



root@vsrv-dus6-mta01:~# doveadm mailbox cryptokey list -u sabine@xxx -U

Folder Active Public ID                                                                                                                                                                                                      

       yes    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                                                               


Can anyone tell me anything about the problem? 
My Dovecot version:

root@vsrv-dus6-mta01:~# dovecot --version (502c39af9)



Best regards
